Monday, March 2, 2009

What I do when feel very sad or depressed

For those who don't know me yet, I'm Joffey or you can call me "Jof" for short, a very frank and emotional girl or should i say, a lady (I am already 18 years old so, its better for me to call my self a lady). Frankly speaking, I am not in to any fad that comes my way, I sometimes make my own world and I don't want anybody to enters it.

When somebody trespasses my territory, I got depressed, especially if they done something that gives to much pain to my sick and broken heart.

When I got sad and depressed, I like to eat chocolates so that, with its sweetness I can forget the pain that my heart fells. I also eat more so that my stomach will be digesting it and I will be able to forget the pain because, I will be busy monitoring my bowel movement and excretion.Weiew! (but that's me anyway!)
Sometimes I prefer to sleep all day , so that I will not be conscious of the present situation, I also go somewhere else, just to be with my self alone, I prefer to be alone that to chat with the others. sometimes I went to a place where there are plenty of people who are having fun so that, I could also have fun watching them...

Actually, what I wanted to do, depends on the factor that makes me sad.

I am so tired of being so depressed.......
I hate it!!!!

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