Wednesday, March 11, 2009

a better love life this 2009

I dream and wishes to have a better love life this 2009.....

They say that Chinese Sign Tigers and Horses are meant to be..

I was happy knowing to know that but I was doubt full..

Anyways, I doesn’t believe in Horoscope..

,,, I experienced being’ alone in my journey, experienced to be Left alone and Experienced a lot Of challenges that makes me cry till extremes..

I was not Fortunate 2 be like others..

But One things for sure>>

I’m Not yet Ready to give-up with what I have…


Seriously I am Wishing 2 have I better Love life NOW>>

I have one Question that really sticks on My mind,,, Are we Really Compatible???

I hope that my Wish Will Come true>>>

I was dreaming to have an EDWARD CULLEN in my life...

I am not a criminal... I am just dreaming to have someone like him in my life....

Although he is a vampire but he is not a monster.
He is different from their kinds.....

I wish I can find someone like him (not a vampire), someone with a better perspective in life, who thinks for the future and who care about my safety...

I will not regret loving this kind of person if he has the attitude of Edward, the mysterious one.
though, I know that this kind of dream only happens on the book of Stephanie Meyer, but I don't care, we don't know this might happen in the real situation.>>>>>>>

Who knows?

My Edward Cullen is already entering my window...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

we're not just us.....

Were not just like those ordinary teens because we are an extra ordinary teens....

We are different....

I want you to meet my 2 extra ordinary friends..
  • Mary Ann Ponlawon (the blue girl)
  • Sheryl Tranquilan (the yellow girl)We different from others...
Of course me, myself and I....

We are extra ordinary teens because ....

  • We are young but we can manage ourselves...
  • We take our chances in everything...
  • We live our lives alone in this big city...
  • We risk everything for our family...
  • We are daughters of extra ordinary parents, who works hard for us...
We are different for the fact that, we don't have anything with us in this city but our very own self... We helped each other, we cry on each others arm when we have problems, we care for each other..


and this is the reason why...

My realizations>>>>>

When I fall for someone, I never set limitation...
I sometimes reject my self in order to give everything for that someone..
I tend to forgot my social activities such as; hanging with my friends, playing online games, reading novels and many more..

In 5 years of loving Mr. HIM...

I learned how to love, to be love, to get hurt and to hurt...

Things are done the same...
Today, I was love the next day I was hurt...

Its easy to love but it is not easy to wait for someone to love you...

In loving a person, we must not expect something in return>>>>>>

As I loved him, I realized that I should first set my own priorities before setting his..
I realized that, I should not give everything to him because I might find somebody who is better that him...

But for the mean time, use the resources you have and wait for the others to come...

Monday, March 2, 2009

A dream that will always be a dream!

When I was a little girl I got plenty of dreams. I dreamed to be business women and a lawyer but then, here I am now to far for what I dream for.
I am in my college years and 2 years more to go and I am to graduate college but I would never ever be a lawyer just like what I dream before. Why I say so? well, how could be a Bachelor of Science in Nursing be related to Law? I would end up being a nurse and not to be a lawyer. It is hard to pursue the dream of being a lawyer because of too much hindrances.
When I was in high school, my mother keeps telling me that, being a lawyer is being a lair. To be honest, I was a little discourage of that, because, who wants to be a liar anyway! But it never stopped me on Pursuing what my passion says but as times goes by I realized that I will not be able to pursue that dream because mama will not permit me to study law. So, when I graduated high school, I ask my mama this question, "What do you want(the course that I will be taking up this college)?" and with out thinking twice she told me "NURSING!".
Well, what can I do? but to follow what she wants!!
and here I am now! A girl who studies to be a Nurse.... (Bongga!!!)

What I do when feel very sad or depressed

For those who don't know me yet, I'm Joffey or you can call me "Jof" for short, a very frank and emotional girl or should i say, a lady (I am already 18 years old so, its better for me to call my self a lady). Frankly speaking, I am not in to any fad that comes my way, I sometimes make my own world and I don't want anybody to enters it.

When somebody trespasses my territory, I got depressed, especially if they done something that gives to much pain to my sick and broken heart.

When I got sad and depressed, I like to eat chocolates so that, with its sweetness I can forget the pain that my heart fells. I also eat more so that my stomach will be digesting it and I will be able to forget the pain because, I will be busy monitoring my bowel movement and excretion.Weiew! (but that's me anyway!)
Sometimes I prefer to sleep all day , so that I will not be conscious of the present situation, I also go somewhere else, just to be with my self alone, I prefer to be alone that to chat with the others. sometimes I went to a place where there are plenty of people who are having fun so that, I could also have fun watching them...

Actually, what I wanted to do, depends on the factor that makes me sad.

I am so tired of being so depressed.......
I hate it!!!!